Our guiding principles

We have a small number of guiding principles for our work as a charity:

Outcomes, outcomes, outcomes

All our work should concentrate on outcomes and, as far as possible, should be measurable and measured.


Gas Safe Charity is focused on consumers, but interfaces with industry.

Interventions with long-term implications

Our work should stimulate initiatives without the need for continuing large donations by the Charity.


Our grants and investment in new programmes should have maximum effect from minimum investment.


Wherever possible, we work with and through other organisations. This increases our impact.

A responsible attitude to risk

In common with other bodies concerned with risks to health and safety, we want people to understand the real risks they face, and adopt the fastest, easiest and most effective ways of reducing them.

Not primary research

It is not our role to undertake or subsidise primary research.


There is no point in having large reserves; we are willing to spend our capital and revenue income to the limit.

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